48 pages • 1 hour read
Elana K. Arnold, Illustr. Charles SantosoA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Bat and his older sister, Janie, are home alone after school. Their mother, Valerie, a veterinarian who owns a clinic, goes back to work after dropping the children off at home, leaving Janie in charge. Bat opens the fridge to find a snack and finds that there are no vanilla or lemon yogurts left, and those are the only kinds that he likes.
Bat confronts Janie, and she admits that she ate the last vanilla yogurt. She teases Bat, although she knows she is not supposed to. Bat demands that Janie make him a snack. When she tells him to say “please,” Bat retorts that it is her job to take care of him after school, and “You don’t have to say please to get someone to do their job” (5). Bat gets more upset when Janie sasses back and wants to flap his arms—a self-stimulating behavior. Janie caves and agrees to make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Bat eats his snack and then goes to his room, which is his “favorite place in the whole world” (6). He can arrange his room how he wants it, and no one else in the house changes it. There are three baskets in the house for items that go to Bat’s room: one for books, one for clean laundry, and one for “miscellaneous stuff.” His mother sets the baskets outside Bat’s room when they are full, and he takes them and puts his things away.
Bat’s mother rearranged the items in his dresser once, and he became irate. She didn’t understand his organizational system. He explained that he arranged the drawers by the items he wore together—shirts and shorts in one drawer for warm days, and sweaters and pants in another for cool days. Bat also had a drawer for clothes he did not like to wear. His mother moved two of the shirts he didn’t like to wear into the “warm days” drawer, and never touched his organizational system again. Janie also made Bat a “Please Knock” sign for the door because she is better at things that require fine motor skills, or “hand things.”
Bat checks the clock and sees that his mother should be home in 46 minutes. He sits on his beanbag chair and reads his animal encyclopedia. Bat wants to be a vet when he grows up, like his mother. While most of her patients are cats and dogs, she does take on the occasional “exotic” case, such as a hawk that had been shot with a BB gun.
Bat and Janie’s mother is 15 minutes late, and Bat wants to call the police, but Janie says this is not an emergency. She suggests Bat call their mother, but he does not want to. He is scared that she might be driving, and that she might crash if she answers her cellphone. Janie says that if Bat had friends, he could hang out with them instead of bothering her.
Valerie returns home. Overexcited, Bat asks his mother if she went to the store for more yogurt. He is angry when she says “no.” Valerie tries to calm him down by saying she has a good reason for being late. Bat holds onto his fury until his mother tells him that a baby animal caused her lateness.
While his mother opens the back of her station wagon and pulls out a cardboard box, Bat questions what type of animal she has. He runs through a list of potential animals—kitten, duckling, hoglet (baby hedgehog). He then worries that she might have brought home a baby human, but his mother says she would not put a baby human in a cardboard box.
In his excitement, Bat yells in Janie’s face that their mother has a baby animal, and Janie reminds him to stay 12 inches away from her, which is one of many rules he must follow around his sister. Valerie asks Janie about her math test, and Bat whines, bounces, and sucks on his shirt collar from the stress of the anticipation. Valerie switches the topic back to the mystery animal in the cardboard box, and tells her children to come into the kitchen with her.
Valerie sets the box on a table, and Bat opens it. Janie complains, “It’s just a bunch of rags” (22). Valerie picks up the wad of fabric and adjusts it to reveal the head of a newborn baby skunk, or kit. When Janie realizes her mother brought home a baby skunk, she is shocked, but Valerie explains that she had to bring the kit home because he is an orphan.
Bat pushes Janie, who is in his way, and his mother tells him that he needs to remain calm, so he doesn’t scare the kit. He quietly hisses at Janie, and their mother tells them to sit down, so she can explain the story of how she ended up with a baby skunk.
Valerie reminds Bat of the skunk they had smelled that morning on the way to school. A pregnant skunk had been hit by a car, and students from the nearby college brought it to her clinic. The mother skunk was badly injured, and Valerie could not save her or her other kits. She verified that the mother skunk was not carrying diseases, meaning that the kit she did save is healthy. Bat calls the story “awesome,” and Janie misunderstands him and admonishes him for saying so when the mother skunk and other babies died. Instead of arguing, Bat drops the subject.
Before he has the chance to ask her, Valerie tells Bat that they can’t keep the baby skunk for long. She contacted a rescue organization, but they will not have room for the kit for another month. Her plan is to care for the kit for a month until he can go to the rescue. Then, he will be released back into the wild when he is old enough. After she finishes her speech, she passes the baby skunk to Bat, who is elated.
Janie asks if the skunk can spray, and Valerie says not yet. The question makes Bat realize that he doesn’t know much about skunks, other than that they are omnivorous mammals that can spray a scent deterrent. He wants to learn more about skunks, so he can take care of the kit.
Bat wants to feed the skunk, and his mother explains that they will have to feed him puppy formula. Meanwhile, Janie wants to go to her friend Ezra’s house. Janie and Ezra are best friends, but Bat does not like Ezra because he is “loud and annoying and a mean tease” (30). Although he does not like Ezra, Bat is often jealous that he is not invited to these playdates. But this time, he is too excited about the kit to feel jealous of Janie’s friend.
Janie leaves, and Valerie teaches Bat how to feed the baby skunk by squeezing out a few drops of formula from a syringe. Bat takes over the job. As he feeds the baby skunk, he accidentally announces, “I love him” (34). His mother laughs and says she might get jealous, and reminds Bat that they will have to give the skunk to the rescue organization. Silently, Bat decides he will try to keep the baby skunk.
The purpose of the first six chapters is to develop the main characters, establish the context of the story, and introduce the conflict. A Boy Called Bat has a limited omniscient narrator, who reveals the inner thoughts and feelings of Bat, the protagonist, while Janie and Valerie are portrayed through the lens of Bat’s perspective. Although it is not explicitly stated, Bat has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and experiences social difficulties and differences in communication compared to his family. The surface-level conflict in the story is Bat’s desire to keep the baby skunk as a pet. The relationship between Bat and the baby skunk is a motif that represents Bat’s desire for connection. This desire for connection combined with Bat’s social and communication differences comprise the underlying conflict.
While direct insight into Janie and Valerie’s perspectives is limited, Arnold uses dramatic irony to reveal their emotions, intentions, and opinions. For instance, in Chapter 6 (“Skunk Lunch”), Bat interjects that he loves the baby skunk, and Valerie remarks, “Careful, or you might make me jealous” (34). The purpose of this line is to allude to Valerie’s discomfort with her son’s feelings and behaviors. Valerie strives to understand and accommodate Bat’s needs. She provides him with an environment that makes him feel secure—his room—and has devised strategies to help meet Bat’s needs. She accepts Bat for who he is, but is hurt by Bat’s lack of outward affection toward her, especially when he announces his love for a baby skunk that has just come into his life. In other words, Valerie does not understand how to effectively communicate with her son.
The relationship between Bat and Janie is one of the most important relationships in the book, and it speaks to the theme of The Complexities of Siblinghood. Bat is quick to recognize that Janie does not understand him, but fails to realize that the issue is reciprocal—he does not understand his sister. He acknowledges Janie’s interests and behaviors, such as addressing her mocking him or recognizing why she enjoys Ezra’s company. However, his lack of understanding leads him to judge Janie’s feelings and actions. For instance, Bat disregards Janie’s request for appreciation when she asks him to say “please.” He also disrespects Janie by pushing her and hissing at her when he perceives her as physically in his way. He has not yet learned to consider others’ perspectives. Janie does things that bother Bat, and he thinks she is wrong for them—but neither sibling is actively trying to be malicious to the other. While these minor conflicts are difficult for Bat, they also serve as lessons that help him develop the social skills to better navigate complex social situations.
The skunk kit that Valerie brings home from work becomes Bat’s first friend. Upon meeting the orphaned skunk, Bat is enamored. He wants to hold the kit and care for him, and is willing to put the kit’s needs before his own. These traits reflect Bat’s desire for connection, reinforcing the theme of The Human Need for Connection. He struggles to relate to people, whom he finds complicated. The kit is much easier for Bat to understand and connect with, and their connection is immediate. With help from his mother in the form of verbal warnings to behave appropriately around the vulnerable kit, Bat manages his anger toward Janie and curbs his excitement. He is gentle and caring toward the kit. The love and tenderness Bat shows the kit marks the beginning of his character arc, as the bond between Bat and the skunk teaches Bat how to relate to others and make friends.
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